Just a few days after v3.16 has been released, here comes another release of the app.
rpdev/opentodolist#255: We updated the Qt version used on Android to v5.13.1. This is required as otherwise on some versions of Android the sync with servers via HTTPS is not working correctly.
Please find the download links for major platforms on GitHub.
For Android, the release is available via Google Play.
If you use snap, you can install the app from the snapcraft.io.
If you use flatpak, you can install the app from Flathub.
Known Issues
There are currently no known issues. If you encounter any issues, please file a bug report in the bug tracker.
October has come, and with it another version of OpenTodoList is due. The list of changes might not be too long, but it still should make you excited 😉
rpdev/opentodolist#252: For the Flatpak version of the app, we updated the used KDE runtime to v5.13.
rpdev/opentodolist#253: The latest greatest versions of Android and iOS now support a dark theme out of the box. The best way to celebrate this? Adding a dark mode to OpenTodoList as well! You can now select between a light and a dark theme. Additionally, you can also use automatic setting of the theme (however, this currently only works an Desktop systems).
Please find the download links for major platforms on GitHub.
For Android, the release is available via Google Play.
If you use snap, you can install the app from the snapcraft.io.
If you use flatpak, you can install the app from Flathub.
The app now supports a dark mode!
Known Issues
There are currently no known issues. If you encounter any issues, please file a bug report in the bug tracker.
Another month, another release of OpenTodoList. This release comes with two new tweaks to the user interface, that you’ll hopefully will find useful.
rpdev/opentodolist#235: Todo lists can now be sorted by either their title or their due date. If you have larger lists, that might be useful to keep a better overview of your lists. Of course, you can still also manually sort your todos (which is the default setting).
rpdev/opentodolist#246: When creating a new todo, you can select a due date, which is immediately set on the newly created todo. This is useful if often set due dates on todos, because you don’t need do open the todo after creating it, which saves you some clicks.
Please find the download links for major platforms on GitHub.
For Android, the release is available via Google Play.
If you use snap, you can install the app from the snapcraft.io.
If you use flatpak, you can install the app from Flathub.
Known Issues
There are currently no known issues. If you encounter any issues, please file a bug report in the bug tracker.
We are well into August, so: It’s time for another release of OpenTodoList! And this release is going to be exciting, as once more, it brings a lot of changes to the user interface.
rpdev/opentodolist#234: The todo list, note and image pages have been completely reworked. In addition, viewing a todo from inside a todo page now opens another drawer instead of a new page. Besides, there are several bigger and smaller changes to the UI, which should make it much more pleasant to use!
rpdev/opentodolist#248: There were additional changes to ensure that Color Emoji are working with the Flatpak version of the app.
rpdev/opentodolist#240: Another set of smaller changes to the user interface: We added some whitespace here and there to make things easier to read.
rpdev/opentodolist#243: And finally: Translating the app has become much simpler now. We now support POEditor.com, an online service for translating strings of an application. Want to join and help translate the app to other languages? Head over to the project page on POEditor.com and join!
The main feature of this release is the all new todo list page.
Please find the download links for major platforms on GitHub.
For Android, the release is available via Google Play.
If you use snap, you can install the app from the snapcraft.io.
If you use flatpak, you can install the app from Flathub.
Known Issues
There are currently no known issues. If you encounter any issues, please file a bug report in the bug tracker.
We reached the end of the month, which also means: A new release of OpenTodoList is ready! 👏
This release includes lots of smaller bug fixes, but also some gimmicks here and there.
rpdev/opentodolist#223: The has been packages as a snap. This makes it super easy to install on Linux distributions including snap.
rpdev/opentodolist#224: When running the app packages via Flatpak, passwords are now written to the secrets store (like Gnome keyring or the KDE Wallet). Before, they have been written to a less secure fallback location.
rpdev/opentodolist#230: A bug has been fixed, which caused the app to crash when using the search. This bug did not occur all the time. In particular, it seemed to occur most often when the app was run as an AppImage.
rpdev/opentodolist#237: The Schedule view has been extended and now includes a Tomorrow section, showing all the items which are due on the next day.
rpdev/opentodolist#238: Background images have been removed from most views. They did not contribute to the usability of the app and even worse made the app unnecessarily hard to use for users who are sight impaired. #232: A bug has been fixed which caused the app to not allow the user to add images to a library when being run as an AppImage.
rpdev/opentodolist#233: When being packages as Flatpak, the app now is able to display color emoji out of the box.
rpdev/opentodolist#236: A bug has been fixed which caused items in the schedule view to appear in the wrong section under some circumstances.
Besides some fixes, the schedule view now also has a new category for items due tomorrow.
Please find the download links for major platforms on GitHub.
For Android, the release is available via Google Play.
If you use snap, you can install the app from the snapcraft.io.
If you use flatpak, you can install the app from Flathub.
Known Issues
There are currently no known issues. If you encounter any issues, please file a bug report in the bug tracker.