Short Information about OpenTodoList
Image source: Pixabay

Stay Organized

Organize todo lists, notes and images in libraries. Create e.g. a library for personal use and one for work. In addition, you can tag items inside a library, which allow you to easily break down larger collections into smaller parts.

Sync Your Data With NextCloud, ownCloud and More

OpenTodoList allows you to synchronize your libraries with NextCloud, ownCloud and other WebDAV enabled web storage servers. Additionally, you can also use Dropbox for synchronization. And on top, as libraries are basically just a set of folders and files, you can use any third party synchronization tool of your choice.

Your Data is Yours

We do not restrict the cloud platforms your can use to synchronize data. We have support for some platforms like NextCloud or ownCloud, which you can easily host yourself on your own or trusted hardware. In addition, you can opt to create libraries just locally e.g. on your laptop - there’s no better way to prevent confidential information to leak.

For Desktops and Mobiles

OpenTodoList is designed to run on both Desktop Operating Systems like Linux, macOS and Windows as well as mobile ones like Android.

Hi everyone out there!

You already might have started wondering: When is the next release of OpenTodoList coming? Did something happen? Has the app been abandoned? 😱

Rest assured: Nothing like that happened!

We had a quite busy year to date and only recently found some time resuming work on OpenTodoList. That also means that - despite the long time since the last release - the list of changes it not too long. However, there are some existing changes, so, let’s waste no more time and dive into what changed:


rpdev/opentodolist#661: A new color scheme and theme!

This surely is the most exciting change in this release! We decided to tune the appearance of the app, switching away from the Material design and started an own one, which is based on Qt’s Basic theme.

This new scheme way more lightweight compared to Material - which should benefit a lot situations where the app runs on lower end hardware. In addition, we updated the color scheme - the app now uses more vibrant colors both in light and dark modes.

Another interesting change is how the color of individual items affect the app. In previous releases, we used to use the color to tint the background color of pages when opening items. However, this often looked a bit odd and kind of washed out. With the new theme, we now use the item colors to render controls and links in the item’s page.

Surely, this is only the beginning and subsequent releases will bring updates and improvements to the new style. We still hope you like it already 😉

The new color scheme uses more vibrant colors - both in light and dark modes.

rpdev/opentodolist#654: Brand colors for Flathub

It is possible to set brand colors in the app metadata file (which is used e.g. on Flathub but also in some app store implementations of Linux distributions).

We now also make use of this feature and set the new background theme colors we also use in the app itself.

rpdev/opentodolist#658: Update to Qt 6.7.2

Ever so often, there are updates to Qt - the framework on which OpenTodoList is built. This framework is the key that allows us providing the app on a variety of operating systems and devices.

With this release, we update to Qt 6.7.2 - as always, this brings bug fixes but also makes new features available, what we’ll use to further improve the app.

rpdev/opentodolist#652: Fixes to popups when using large font size/small devices

When using a custom (enlarged) font size or using the app on a relatively small device, it could happen that some of the popups where rendered incorrectly.

We changes this in this release, so popups should look good (and more importantly: Be usable) on any device.

rpdev/opentodolist#660: Fix automatic downloading translations from POEditor

Another issue solved in this release: The automatic downloading of translations from POEditor!

We now use POEditor for quite a while to allow users contributing to the app by providing translations of strings in the user interface to their respective languages. For this, we have some integrations that automatically download the translations so they get automatically included in new builds and releases of the app.

Unfortunately, there was an issue (or let’s rather call it: bit rot) in this scripting, that needed our attention 👨‍⚕️

rpdev/opentodolist#650: Update translations

Having that said, this updated scripting solved a bug report where a user rightfully complained about the missing translations in the app.

Sorry that it took us so long, but: Translations now should be back!

rpdev/opentodolist#379: Start writing the user documentation

Another exciting change, although it just is the beginning of something great:

We started writing some user documentation for the app! 🎉

Might sound boring at first, but keep in mind: OpenTodoList is relatively old meanwhile - meaning it had more than enough time accumulating a lot of different features 😉 While some of them might be easy to use, others are not - so some written down manuals on how to use them would be handy.

We started writing such documentation - it is available on ReadTheDocs.

Note that the documentation is still in a very early stage and we need to add lots of information there. However, the basics and especially the automation for building and publishing it is there.

Feel free to check what is already there and - more importantly - if you have anything in mind that you think should be documentation: Approach us, drop us a ticket or even feel free to raise a PR on GitLab!


  • Please find the download links for major platforms on GitHub.
  • For Android, the release is available via Google Play.
  • For iOS, the release is available via the App Store.
  • If you use snap, you can install the app from the
  • If you use flatpak, you can install the app from Flathub.
  • For Arch based Linux distributions, you can install the app from AUR.

Known Issues

There is a minor known regression with the Qt6 based build of the app when running on Linux with Wayland. Reordering items via drag and drop works, but you sometimes have to click somewhere (e.g. the tool bar) to re-enable hover for the items after such a drag and drop operation. This has been reported as a bug against Qt in their bugtracker. Usually, you can start the app passing it the -platform xcb option to force using X11/XWayland (which does not show the same symptoms).

Hello everyone,

it is finally here: The last day of the year! So, while many of us gather with family and friends to waive goodby to the old year and welcome 2024, what else can we do to make the start into the new year even better? 🤔

You guessed it: A new version of OpenTodoList 🎉 And what to say… while we had planned for even more changes then we were able to get in, this release is packed with some exciting new features - next to the usual set of bug fixes 😉

Enough words for the introduction, let’s dive into the changes that come with v3.47:


Toolbar Refactoring

It is not uncommon that we do some refactoring here and there, including the result within another, larger, change. However, this refactoring is worth being mentioned here:

We completely changed the design of the toolbar in the app! 🎉

Why that? Before, we had a lot of individual tool buttons in and dynamically showed them depending on how much space was available on the screen. While this worked, it was not very convenient, especially since there was no way to know what a concrete button did (except by trying it out). To improve here, we switched to a layout that more or less resembles a menu structure: You get four tool buttons, each of them making the various groups of actions available to you.

Another nice thing: On some supported platforms (namely, macOS, Windows and Linux systems which have a global app menu), the app also will provide a “normal” menu - this is great, as you can see the shortcuts connected to the various actions there.

Links - they are a useful and widely used concept in the depths of the world wide web. And guess what? Your favorite Todo List and Note Taking app now also supports them 😉 Okay okay, actually, links per se are nothing new, you can add them to notes and item titles since long. But, what is new is that you can now generate links to libraries or items and use them within the app.

This way, you can easily cross link from one item to another. But it doesn’t stop there: On some platforms, the app also will be called if another app tries to open such a opentodolist:// link. For example, if you have a shared library with a friend, you can create a new item and then send a link to them via chat - they can then open that link which should immediately get them to that freshly created item. Currently, opening the app with such links from other apps works on Android and iOS, but other platforms will follow in the future 😉

rpdev/opentodolist#637: Automate upload To The Google Play Store

Automation is a key think to get more time for the really valuable things in life (such as, hacking on new features for OpenTodoList 😎). So, besides development work, we sometimes also invest into how to automate further parts of our regular workflows. This is another important step: We now can upload releases of the app to the Google Play Store from within out CI/CD pipelines.

rpdev/opentodolist#642: Exclude Libraries From Backup On iOS

OpenTodoList makes one promise: If you create a local library (i.e. which is not synced with a storage server), no data belonging to that library ever leaves the device. This is true on nearly all platforms - but iOS. Until now, if you’d include the app in iCloud backup, also libraries would be backed up.

While not all users might find this a bad thing, it somehow is, because that also interferes with synced libraries - if a library which is actually synced via a storage server is brought back by a backup, the app would try to re-upload the entire library 🤯 So, over time to exclude libraries from the backup.

rpdev/opentodolist#648: Support for Android 14

Another minor fix, but good for users of brand new Android devices (and devices which get updates early): The app now also runs on Android 14 🎉

rpdev/opentodolist#545: Add Some Screenshots To The README

The file is an important part of many projects - it literally is the first thing users see when they land on GitLab or GitHub and want to learn something about the app.

Until now, that file was pretty much only text - it was up to the user to find some other way to learn more about how the app would actually look like. Over time to change this and add some images to the README, so when visiting our landing page on either code hosting platform, users now get a better impression about what they’ll get if they install the app.

rpdev/opentodolist#561: Update Images In App Store and Play Store

Nearly the same story applies for our app page in Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store. The images of the app where kind of outdated - especially in the Play Store, the screenshots dated back even before our migration to the Material theme 😱

We changed this, so potential users will not get an up-to-date impression on how the app looks like on the respective platforms.

rpdev/opentodolist#647: Fix A Bug Which Prevented Changing The Due Date Of An Item

Another nasty bug 🪲 we fixed here… in some cases, when you set a due date with recurrence on an item, you were not able to change the due date ot that item again. This is fixed now ✅

rpdev/opentodolist#636: Update To Qt 6.6.1

We updated the Qt framework, which powers the app, to the new 6.6.1 release. Qt is the basis that allows us to serve all major platforms from a single code base - and having new versions of it available also means: Pulling in a lot of fixes and new features we will make use of in future versions of the app 🙌

rpdev/opentodolist#646: Show The Current Due Date In The Date Picker

In the past, when you set a due date on an item and a recurrence pattern, if you wanted to change the due date, the date picker would initially show the original due date. Especially for a long running sequence item, this means that the current date and the one that the date picker would show could be weeks or months apart!

We changed this, so now, the date picker will show the next effective due date of the item by default.

rpdev/opentodolist#645: Fix Misalignment Of The Header Of The Date Picker

A little layout fix here: On some platforms, the header of the date picker was offset by one pixel or so. Well, no longer 😉

rpdev/opentodolist#644: Update To Latest Qt/KDE Flatpak Runtime

Similarly important as the Qt update: For the Flatpak version of the app, we updated to a more recent version of the KDE/Qt 6 runtime. This also pulls in Qt 6.6, plus, ensures that the runtime is still maintained and receives bug fixes.

rpdev/opentodolist#502: Allow Opening Items In A New Window

Another interesting new feature: You can now open items in a new window! This works on all desktop systems, i.e. macOS, Linux and Windows. This feature can be quite interesting and useful. For example, consider the following:

If you maintain one “todo list” to plan what you want to make for dinner each evening and another one for your grocery shopping. Then, if you’d want to fill up the grocery list with the stuff you need for the meals you put in the other list, you would have to jump between the two of them all the time 🦘

With the new feature, you can first make your planning in one list, open it in a separate window and in the main window, change to the grocery shopping list, where you can easily fill in the ingredients you need to get. Handy, isn’t it?

rpdev/opentodolist#643: Fix A Bug Where Wrong Todos Would Be Shown On App Startup

Back to bug squashing 🦟

There was a nasty little bug which, if you would e.g. re-open a todo list when restarting the app, show wrong todos in that list! 😱

This was due to a race condition - you could sometimes even see the correct list of entries first showing up before the list would then get filled by random items. Now, this is fixed ✅

rpdev/opentodolist#639: Allow Marking All Todos Or Tasks As Done or Undone

Sometimes it is all or nothing! Yes, even when handling todos. For this reason, we added options to mark all entries within a todo list (or within a todo) as either done or undone.

rpdev/opentodolist#641: Fix A Bug Where The Dropbox Sync Would Stop After A While

Last but not least: There was some bug which - under certain circumstances - could cause the background sync of a Dropbox backed library to stop. You had to kill the app and restart it for the sync to get back to a working state.

We fixes this, so now the sync should continue seamlessly in the background as expected 😉


  • Please find the download links for major platforms on GitHub.
  • For Android, the release is available via Google Play.
  • For iOS, the release is available via the App Store.
  • If you use snap, you can install the app from the
  • If you use flatpak, you can install the app from Flathub.
  • For Arch based Linux distributions, you can install the app from AUR.

Known Issues

There is a minor known regression with the Qt6 based build of the app when running on Linux with Wayland. Reordering items via drag and drop works, but you sometimes have to click somewhere (e.g. the tool bar) to re-enable hover for the items after such a drag and drop operation. This has been reported as a bug against Qt in their bugtracker. Usually, you can start the app passing it the -platform xcb option to force using X11/XWayland (which does not show the same symptoms).

Hello again,

This was a quick one. The previous release of the app should have resolved an annoying bug. In the very last commits, though, we kind of worsened it. So, time for a quick hotfix release!


rpdev/opentodolist#640: No Icon Showing On Android

For some while, we had an issue with the app that on Android, on some devices, no icon would be shown on the launcher screen. The last release was supposed to bring a fix which remedies this. Unfortunately, after we indeed fixed that problem, in one of the later merges the setting of the icon on Android was completely turned off 😱

Fortunately, bringing back the icon is a matter of setting some property in an XML file and building and pushing out new versions. 😉


  • Please find the download links for major platforms on GitHub.
  • For Android, the release is available via Google Play.
  • For iOS, the release is available via the App Store.
  • If you use snap, you can install the app from the
  • If you use flatpak, you can install the app from Flathub.
  • For Arch based Linux distributions, you can install the app from AUR.

Known Issues

There is a minor known regression with the Qt6 based build of the app when running on Linux with Wayland. Reordering items via drag and drop works, but you sometimes have to click somewhere (e.g. the tool bar) to re-enable hover for the items after such a drag and drop operation. This has been reported as a bug against Qt in their bugtracker. Usually, you can start the app passing it the -platform xcb option to force using X11/XWayland (which does not show the same symptoms).

Hello hello,

Yes, it seems to become a kind of bad habit to release OpenTodoList behind schedule, but this time, we have a good excuse (some traveling in parallel, so this is the first version of the app that is effectively released from outside Europe 😉).

So, what’s new this time? Effectively, this is mostly a bug crushing release, ridding us of some long running deficiencies and hence, making the app way more useful - especially on mobile devices. Curious? Then let’s go!


rpdev/opentodolist#439: Opening Of Images And Attachments On Android And iOS

OpenTodoList allows adding images as library items for a long while. Nearly equivalently long, you could add files as attachments to items. Clicking on an image or an attachment basically just opens it in a suitable app.

But… this in fact only worked properly on Desktop systems. On mobile systems, due to the sandboxing that is done, this didn’t work so easily. Well… until now! Clicking an image or attachment now opens it in a preview and also allows sharing it to other apps. 🎉

rpdev/opentodolist#634: Avoid High Data Usage Due To Background Sync

Back to one of our favorite topics: WebDAV. It is OpenTodoList’s main protocol used to talk to backend servers for synchronization (the NextCloud and ownCloud backends are basically special WebDAV ones).

Unfortunately, not all WebDAV servers play nicely and implement the full WebDAV protocol. The app implements some workarounds for at least some of the shortcomings servers might have. And this is where the trouble starts… some of the workarounds cause the app to generate additional traffic on each sync. A single sync typically does not consume too much data, but depending on the size (or rather, age) of a library, if the background sync happens often enough, the amount of transferred data can reach several hundred MBytes per month.

In this version, we - for this reason - reduce the frequency of the sync in the background in case of a server with such issues is used. That way, the amount of traffic generated should be in an acceptable range.

rpdev/opentodolist#631: Clean Up PKGBUILD

Nothing to fancy about this one - we cleaned up the PKGBUILD file, which is the base of installation of the app for Arch Linux based distributions. 😉

rpdev/opentodolist#464: Portable Version On Windows

Another long standing request we finally managed to implement: The app is now packaged as a Zip file for easy distribution of the app on Windows systems that don’t support installation to system locations. 😎

rpdev/opentodolist#630: Fix Icon On Some Android Devices

One more nasty bug 🪲 that we fixed: On some Android devices, the app icon was not properly shown. This was due to the format of the icon used - and should be a thing of the past.

rpdev/opentodolist#492: Show Library Items In The Sidebar

Last but not least, another cool new feature: You can now expand the tags in the sidebar - this will show a list of library items belonging to this tag.

In addition, there is now a new option there per library, which shows all items that have no tag assigned to them. This one can be expanded as well to reveal top level items directly within the sidebar.

This feature makes it way quicker to jump between items directly without having to load the contents of that (subset) of a library 🏎️


  • Please find the download links for major platforms on GitHub.
  • For Android, the release is available via Google Play.
  • For iOS, the release is available via the App Store.
  • If you use snap, you can install the app from the
  • If you use flatpak, you can install the app from Flathub.
  • For Arch based Linux distributions, you can install the app from AUR.

Known Issues

There is a minor known regression with the Qt6 based build of the app when running on Linux with Wayland. Reordering items via drag and drop works, but you sometimes have to click somewhere (e.g. the tool bar) to re-enable hover for the items after such a drag and drop operation. This has been reported as a bug against Qt in their bugtracker. Usually, you can start the app passing it the -platform xcb option to force using X11/XWayland (which does not show the same symptoms).

Hi everyone,

While work on the next release of OpenTodoList continues, we’d still like to push out another bugfix release to you. This mainly is important for users of the Snap and AppImage editions of the app on Linux.


rpdev/opentodolist#633: Cannot connect to server with Snap Edition

In the previous release of the app, we updated to a new version of the underlying Qt toolkit the app is built upon.

Qt now requires OpenSSL v3 - however, we didn’t deploy this version of OpenSSL with the app! In the Snap edition, this is fatal, because Snaps run in isolation and cannot access any system libraries… But also the AppImage version of the app (from which the Snap one is build) is affected! AppImages can in fact access system libraries, but users that are on an older Linux distribution might not yet have the new OpenSSL available 😱

We fix both of this by including the proper OpenSSL libraries with the app, so access to secure servers should work again!


  • Please find the download links for major platforms on GitHub.
  • For Android, the release is available via Google Play.
  • For iOS, the release is available via the App Store.
  • If you use snap, you can install the app from the
  • If you use flatpak, you can install the app from Flathub.
  • For Arch based Linux distributions, you can install the app from AUR.

Known Issues

There is a minor known regression with the Qt6 based build of the app when running on Linux with Wayland. Reordering items via drag and drop works, but you sometimes have to click somewhere (e.g. the tool bar) to re-enable hover for the items after such a drag and drop operation. This has been reported as a bug against Qt in their bugtracker. Usually, you can start the app passing it the -platform xcb option to force using X11/XWayland (which does not show the same symptoms).