OpenTodoList on Windows has traditionally been delivered as a 32bit version only. Recently, we started to investigate in an alternative build environment which will be used to create installers for future versions of the app. As a side effect, in the future we will be able to release 64bit versions of the app.
If you currently use OpenTodoList on Windows and are daring enough, you can give the 64bit version of the 2.8 release a try. Just download and install it - it should work as usual. (And no, besides the fact that this version of the app is 64bit, there are no new featured packed in yet ;-) ).
We are proud to present another release of OpenTodoList. As always, please head over to the application page to find an installer for your platform.
Notes, images and todo lists now visually differ from each other inside the library view.
The visually most noticeable change in version 2.8 is that the items inside a library now visually differ much more from each other than before. In earlier versions, all items were represented by a small sticky note, the various types of items having different contents of course. Still, e.g. the difference between notes and todo lists was sometimes not very clear. This changes now, with the three kinds of items each using their own, distinct styling. Besides this visual improvement, there are some more changes as well. Most important is a bug fix in the library sidebar: In compact mode (i.e. when you had to slide in the bar from the left side of the screen), it was not possible to scroll vertically. This might have gone unnoticed for most users, but as soon as one uses more libraries and tags inside each, the list of items to be displayed grows and then this bug definitely hurt. Editing of item titles also got some refinement. Editing now is done in a separate dialog. This improves the text input a lot especially on Android, where before editing of item titles was kind of difficult with very long titles. Last but not least, another new feature made it into this version: Inside a library, items now have a context menu, which can be used to quickly interact with the items without having to change into their details. You can just right click an item to rename it, delete it, manage assigned tags and change the color of an item!
We just released version 2.7.0 of OpenTodoList. Please find the various download links at the app page. This release mostly fixes some bugs, but also introduces some changes in the user interface:
The list of tags in a library did not get properly updated. This bug is effective only when using e.g. a sync client to access a library across various devices. In addition, there were some minor fixes in the user interface affecting the library side bar as well as the todo and task listings. The notes editor also received some updates, making formatting of text more robust and fixing some bugs there as well. Most notably, if you tried to format some text which is HTML/XML formatted, the tags have been removed - this behavior is gone now. The library side bar now also has a shortcut to the help page. This allowed us to remove the menu completely for touch devices (currently only Android), as it anyway was not very useful on these platforms.
The note editor component in action.
Finally, re-scanning of libraries has been improved a bit: If a change in one file is detected, a short delay has been added, so that if e.g. a sync is running in the background, the operation can complete before the app tries to re-load the items from disk.
We are proud to announce the release of OpenTodoList 2.6.0. Once more, this is a release with fixes some issues present in past versions, but also brings significant new features. Head over to the app page to find the download links for your platform.
The previous version of the app introduced tags as a means for organizing your libraries. Version 2.6 builds on top of this feature. When you currently view the items in a tag and create a new item, than the current tag is automatically attached to this new item. Also, the tag completion has been fixed for todo list and image items, where previously the completion was not implemented. Finally, the app now also caches the used tags in a library. You will notice this when restarting the app: If you have more than one library, then previously you first had to activate a library before the used tags in it where available as options in the sidebar.
Searching inside a todo list.
Besides tags, there is another big set of changes that comes with this new release: Searching functionality is finally back. Tags already were intended to make working with lots of items in a library easier. However, sometimes this is not enough. In this new release you can search items in both a library as well as inside a todo list page. Searching also works recursively, that means if your criteria matches a task, than the todo and todo list will be shown as matching items when you trigger a search in the appropriate pages. There also were some minor and not so minor UI fixes and changes. Most notably is probably the way todos and tasks now are created. Instead of using a shortcut or pressing a tool button, the list of todos/tasks now have an inline editor that lets you create new items. This significantly reduces the number of clicks or keyboard shortcuts required to create new todos or tasks - especially when creating several items in a go. Additionally, the list of todos in a todo list is now sorted by the todos’ done status. Finished todos are hidden by default with an option to show them when required, so you can concentrate on your open work items.
We are proud to present another release of OpenTodoList. Please head over to the application page to find the download links.
This release again brings some fixes in the installer of the application. Hence, especially on Windows you should completely re-install the app in order to ensure that future updates work out of the box. Besides this, there are some minor fixes in the UI here and there: The hover effect was not working properly when the app ran in non-compact mode on Desktops. On Android, when creating todos and tasks potentially the incomplete input text was used as title. Finally, todo titles were not wrapped in the library page. Besides these fixes, this release also brings a great new feature: Tags. You can now add arbitrary many tags to each of your top level items. These tags can be used to filter todos: In the library selector, you can not only select one of your libraries but also one of the used tags. If you do, only the items having this tag attached will be shown. This is a great help to keep your library ordered even when the number of items starts to grow.