We are proud to announce another release of OpenTodoList. Head over to the app page where you can find the individual download links. If you already installed the app, you should be able to trigger an update via the build in updater in Help > Check for updates.

What’s new?

Version 2.3.0 is a bug fix version which removes some issues introduced with the previous version 2.2.0. There was one main issue, which is that under certain circumstances deleting items from a library in the app could cause further data to be deleted. That’s why we highly recommend updating to 2.3.0 as soon as possible. Additionally, some minor issues in the user interface are fixed.

The new context sensitive toolbar shows icons as required.

We are proud to announce the latest release of OpenTodoList 2.2.0. This version extends the app by some further basic functionality. Additionally, some bugs have been fixed. You can get the latest release from the OpenTodoList page.

Important Note for Windows Users

In case you installed the app with admin privileges before (e.g. to be able to install it to C:\Programs Files), then please uninstall the app once and re-install it. This is required to enable a fix which has been applied to the installer/updated.


  • Updated the project’s README file as it was outdated after the recent refactoring.
  • On Android, the app now uses an alternative file and folder selection, which is more convenient than the Qt built-in file dialog on this platform.
  • The app now listens for file and folder changes in the background. That means, if you use some synchronization tool like e.g. the ownCloud desktop client to sync your library with the cloud, the app now will recognize updated that happen in the background while the app is running. Before, one had to restart the app for such changes to take effect.
  • The installer/updater has been fixed. This mainly affects Windows, the an update of the app would fail. Note that in case you use the app on Windows, you probably have to uninstall it once and then re-install it from scratch. Afterwards, you should be able to use the automatic updater to pull in new versions.
  • Fixed a bug which could cause items not to be saved correctly in case some special characters are used in the item’s title.
  • Improved the tool bar: Most icons now are shown only when required. This makes it easier to use especially on mobile devices.
  • Implemented a shortcut for “Create and Open”. When creating a new note, todo list or todo, you can now use the Ctrl+Enter shortcut to create and immediately open the item.

The new item types - images and notes - next to a traditional todo list.

We are proud to announce the release of OpenTodoList 2.1. This is the first official release of the new 2.x version line of the application. Compared to the previous versions, the new versions bring a lot of new features and enhances the data model quite a bit. Back when the application has been started, it was intended as a pure todo and task managing application. With the new releases, the app now also supports notes and images, all in one app. These items can be managed in libraries - with each one being stored as a directory on your local disk. To get the new release, please visit the application page and select the appropriate download option for your system. Bugs and feature requests can be reported in our bug tracker.

We recently started to write a major rewrite of OpenTodoList. Rewrite this time is literal, the code base basically has been rewritten from scratch. The goal was to simplify the code structure itself as well as moving storage of items to files in the local file system. The idea behind is simple: One can use any sync service (e.g. the ownCloud desktop client) to synchronize libraries to a cloud service.

OpenTodoList v2: Library Contents View.

Speaking of libraries and items: OpenTodoList now also supports new types of top level items - Notes and Images. Notes are simple text snippets (think of sticky notes) whereas images are images which can have a custom title and also some attached notes. Currently, there are no release binaries for desktop platforms available, so if you’d like to test, please either compile the app from sources or wait a few days until all tasks for the upcoming 2.1 release milestone are met. If you happen to have an Android device, feel free to follow the beta testing link and join the tester community. After joining, you’ll be able to install OpenTodoList straight from the Google Play Store. Have a lot of fun!

Between 0.1.0 and 0.2.0, half a year passed. Now, only short time after the released of 0.2.0, we have 0.3.0 ready :-) Well, this is no wonder, given that the major refactoring is over and the main target of this release was to improve the user experience a bit.

Warning: This is BETA

If you want to give the app a try, please keep in mind that this version should definitely be considered beta status (read also below for some notes). Plese keep this in mind and consider doing backups of your data from time to time.

What’s new in 0.3.0

As mentioned, 0.3.0 is bringing some improvements in terms of UX, especially in the user interace.

Manual Sorting

Tasks now can be rearranged within their todo. Also, when using manual todo sorting (via the menu in the view options) is active, todos as well can be sorted manually.

Indicators in Todo Views

In Todo listings, todos are now marked with little indicators. Currently, there are two possible ones: If a todo has a due date set, a little coloured clock indicated whether the todo is overdue, to be done in the next days or still some time in the future. Additionally, a todo which has a priority set is marked with a little flag (where the color indicates the priority, i.e. highest priority todos get a red flag, while lesser priorized ones get a green one).

Minor UI Fixes

Next to these more visible changes, there are some minor changes that ensure that the UI behalves correctly and stays up to date when running over longer periods of time.


Installation for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows

To install OpenTodoList, please download the appropriate installer for your operating system. The installer is available in two flavors: One online installer which will download the actual app and one offline installer, which contains the application but also allows you to update to newer versions in the future.


You can install OpenTodoList also from the Android Play Store. We are currently in a beta phase. In order to be able to install using the Play Store:

  1. Join the OpenTodoList Beta Users Google+ community.
  2. Opt-in to the beta version by following this link.

Afterwards, you should find OpenTodoList in the Google Play Store.